

Jennifer Riser is a lifelong student and lover of astrology and has been a practicing professional astrological consultant since 2008. She is a highest honor graduate of Noel Tyl’s demanding Masters Course for astrologers and also holds a B.F.A in Fine Arts. Jennifer is a Cincinnati based astrologer in the humanistic, holistic tradition with an international clientele. She is a Buddhist in the Vajrayana tradition, a practitioner of Ashtanga yoga and an artist.

Celestially inspired creations can be found for purchase here:

Venus Rising Art Studio


The astrological consultation is a reverent and relevant conversation between client and astrologer that encompasses an analysis and reflection on your past development, present circumstances and future projections. It is my intention to work with you to define and confirm your needs and to assist you in strategies to help you meet those needs and realize your goals with greater self-awareness. The consultation is approximately one hour in duration and completely free of jargon. The focus is on your journey. In preparation for our discussion I will need your complete birth date, time and location. Accurate birth-time data is important in this process so I may ask more of you in the beginning to secure that information. If your birth time cannot be found in documents, then we will work together to arrive at one by a process called rectification.

I look forward to talking with you!